AH! What a f*cking dope movie. It goes hard in the best ways. 11/10. And I'm kinda on Hummel's side, those poor soldiers. I love the theory that Sean Connery is a Bond in this.
Cage plays Dr. Stanley Goodspeed, a chemical/biological weapons guy in the FBI. He's assigned with some SEALS (Michael Biehn) and Sean Connery's Mason (former SAS agent now prisoner) to go to Alcatraz and stop some domestic terrorists from detonating a VX gas rockets over San Fransisco and killion thousands. Said Terrorists include Ed Harris' Hummel, Tony Todd, David Morse, and more. They want $$ for their service and for the fallen comrades' who's families didn't get the compensation they honestly deserve.
This film is directed by Michael Bay, his second film after Bad Boys (1995). And, it's produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. It's an R rated 1996 action film that definitely made it's money back.
I would absolutely recommend this movie.
Cage pairing: A triple features of Twister, The Rock, and Armageddon.
My Notes on The Rock:
Opens with a military funeral and voices over it - Ed Harris character (General Francis X Hummel), trying to get his guys who clearly died. He also had a (wife?) Barb who passed we see him lay flowers are her funeral. He wants justice for the men he lost - he sees how the government treats this as wrong and he’s going to do the right thing.
Night time rainy action sequence. The team of rogue Marines steal green orbs that hold a highly volatile toxin. One of these green orbs is dropped and kills one of the marines in under a minute. Major Tom Baxter (David Morse) has to close the Marine in to stop others from getting killed and watches as he dies. He seems genuinely remorseful but clearly is willing to do whatever is necessary for the ‘mission’. This scene is important because it shows how far these Marines are willing to go and what these toxin does. It shows the audience the danger visually. They got 15 VX gas rockets.
CUT TO: Nic Cages plays FBI Agent Dr. Stanely Goodspeed. He is in a suit and playing with a dart gun (like NERF) in a chem lab. He has great aim. Also he won five dollars from Marvin for shooting a dart into a beaker. They also have an elaborate set up to set a hula girl figurine on fire… it shows they are science nerds who like to have fun rather than go by standard protocol.
Another Dr. (Phil) enters the room saying “you have too much time on your hands”. He brings Goodspeed a package he’s over excited for… he spent $600 on an LP (Meet The Beatles)- his girlfriend Carla wouldn’t approve so he had it sent to his work. He’s a self described Beatlemaniac… pretentious too. Records do sound better though.
Alarms go off in the lab, Nic Cage and co. go to see what’s up. There is a crate package addressed to a Bosnia refugee camp in an isolated room. A bomb sniffing dog alerted them at JKF (NY) there might be Sarin gas in it. Goodspeed and Marvin suit up in like fancy silver hazmat looking suits and go in to investigate the package which does in fact have Sarin gas dispensed in a baby doll.
We get more important set up and background information. Sarin gas is a GB Aerosol. The gas is corrosive and eating through their suits. (Cockroaches are killed by it… so you know it’s dangerous). There is also a bomb in the doll which Goodspeed is able to diffuse while remaining calm and composed. He doesn’t crumble underpressure like his trainee Marvin who makes every mistake. We also learn they need to stab themselves with an antidote (Atropine) in the heart… But maybe Goodspeed doesn’t like needles?
Cut to! Goodspeed playing guitar in his underwear at home listening to his Beatles LP. His girlfriend Carla comes home. I love this exchange.
SG: I mean it honey the world is being FEDEX’d to hell on a handcart. I really believe that anyone who is even thinking about having a child in this world is coldly considering an act of cruelty.
Carla: I’m pregnant!
SG: I’m sorry?
Carla: I’m pregnant!
SG: Really?
Carla: Yeah
SG: wow
Carla: Is that all you’re gonna say is wow?
SG: you’re pregnant? [more blah]
Carla: you didn’t mean what you just said did you?
SG: …[]... I meant it at the time
Carla: You said it seven and a half seconds ago
SG: well gosh kind of a lot’s happened since then.
They want to get married.
CUT TO: Alcatraz! Tour guide of the Rock led by Ranger Bob (Rayond O’Connor) - aka some much needed exposition. Never been an escape 1936-1963. We see some of our Marines - Morse and Hummel on the tour. Hummel asks a group of kids to go back - he’s not a bad guy. The tourists go into the cells and the Marines take over. Poor Bob. They have 81 civilian hostages.
More Marines show up in helicopters…. How did they steal helicopters? These Marines are well arms, well stocked, and very prepared.
Hummel talks to the men: Man no mistake about it gentlemen we are now in harm's way. For Major Baxter and I this is the last campaign in a career dating back to TET, ‘68. Likewise for Captain Hendrix (McGinley) and Sergeant Gunnery Crisp (Bokeem Woodbine) who cut their teeth under my command in Desert Storm. Captain Frye (Sporleder), Captain Darrow (Tony Todd) this is my first operational situation with you and your men and I have to say thus far your conduct reflects your reputations. We have achieved our position through poise, position, and audacity. To this we must now add resolve. We’ll be branded as traitors, the gravest capital crime. Punishable by death. Couple hundred years ago a few guys named Washington, Jefferson, and Adams were branded as traitors by the British and now they’re called Patriots. In time, so shall we. God willing, in less than 48 hours you will evacuate this island in gunships under cover of hostages and VX gas warheads. Your destination: A non-extradition treaty country. You will each be paid a fee of $1 million dollars for services rendered. But, you can never again set foot on your native soil. Can you live with that?
The men of Marine force recon are selected to carry out illegal operations throughout the world. When they don’t come home their families are told fairy tales about what happened to them and denied compensation. Well, I have choked on these lies my entire career! Well, here and now the lies stop! God be with all of you.
This movie is very anti-government and pro-military. Also $1 million. That’s it. These super special Marines turn their backs on the US for a singular million dollar pay out. That’s terrifying.
CUT TO: Washington DC. FBI director Womack (John Spencer). Ok they show the Capitol building - Washington monument (The Mall) which is NOT FBI hq. Hummel calls Womack to inform him of the threat - he’ll call later with demands.
CUT TO: Pentagon - a board full of men go over Hummel’s service record. Hummel calls them (how did he know to call them there?). Either way he states his demands.
Hummel: 83 Force Reconnaissance Marines have died right under my various commands. 47 in Northern Loas and Southern China. …[]... Remember operation Desert Storm, those surgical hits made by our smart bombs, covered so well on CNN? It was my men on the ground that made those hits possible. 20 of them were left to rot outside Baghdad after the conflict ended. No benefits were paid to their families. No medals conferred. These men died for their country, and they weren’t even given a god damn military burial. This situation is unacceptable. You will transfer $100 million dollars from the Grand Cayman Red Sea Trading Company Account into an account that I designate. From these funds reparations of $1 million will be paid to each of the 83 Marine families, the rest of the funds I will disperse at my discretion.
Womack asks what the Red Sea Account is: it’s a slush fund where the pentagon keeps proceeds from illegal arms sales.
What’s important is that Hummel clearly knows what he’s talking about. He knows government secrets and highly classified information. Some more than the dudes in that Pentagon board room.
Hummel gives them 40 hours. Ticking clock is a great device to build suspense.
What is the potential causality rate for a single rocket armed with VX gas? 60 or 70 thousand. 1 tsp hits the floor, it’s lethal up to 100 feet. 1 tsp detonated in the atmosphere will kill every living organism in an 8 block radius.
Counter measure is in the test phase. It’s not operational. Hummel knows this. Counter measure is thermite plasma. Loading a a flight of F18s with thermite plasma within 36 hours would take an act of god. Plan B.
Who is Womack’s best chemical/biological man? STANLEY GOODSPEED!
Stanley’s getting it on with Carla when he gets a phone call from the FBI telling him he needs to go to San Francisco. He tells Carla to go to and promises to mary her.
Back in the Pentagon boardroom Commander Anderson (Michael Beihn) is filling the Pentagon board room in on his plan of action.
They really got to work to make it make sense that Sean Connery’s character is really the only man who can help them rather than the, idk, Alcatraz architect or people who work there. Whatever, it's a Michael Bay movie.
Two old men argue about something secretive they did 33 years ago or didn’t do. Because, he doesn’t or does exist. Enter Sean Connery’s character, John Patrick Mason aka totally not James Bond, a highly trained SAS operative.
Later we learn not-Bond: You broke out, let me see if I can get this straight, down the incinerator chute, on the mine car, through the tunnels to the power plant, under the steam engine - that was really cool by the way - and into the cistern through the intake pipe. But how, in the name of Zeus' BUTTHOLE!... did you get out of your cell? I only ask because in our current situation, well, it could prove to be useful information. *Maybe*!
Womack and Goodspeed meet. Goodspeed is a nerd… an awkward nerd. I love it. Womack asks about VX gas. Goodspeed realizes this is not a training exercise.
The FBI sets up a mobile command on Pier 39.
Mason was incarcerated on Alcatraz in 1962. If he’s that secret, would he have been on Alcatraz? Yes because it was a military + federal prison. He escaped in 1963. Idk why Goodspeed is there but ok. Paxton (William Forsythe) interrogates Mason - he needs the escape route of Alcatraz.
They send Goodspeed in to question Mason. Goodspeed isn’t a good liar. Cute. Ok actually he’s kind of a bumbling genius. Ffs he can’t even get his qualifications out. At least he got his name right. Even more cute!
OMG Goodspeed is just giving Mason everything he wants and is WAY too trusting. He even suggests a haircut. Oh honey.
Womack tears up the agreement to let Mason out which is totally illegal and Goodspeed is in dismay, he gave Mason his word. Awe honesty!
Paxton gives in a quarter. He uses it to break the two way window. Mason v Womack staredown!
Mason gets a room at the Fairmont.
Goodspeed needs a gun… he’s a chemical super freak. Has he fired one since the academy?
Mason gets cleaned up. Can we take a moment to appreciate the hair stylist.
Mason gets the upper hand on Womack. Goodspeed pulls a gun and asks Mason ‘please don’t’ then Mason gets away with Goodspeed running after. Mason steals a Humvee which is sad because that’s clearly the owner's prized possession. Goodspeed steels a yellow sports car (Ferrari) and follows in pursuit.
The music sounds the exact same as Twister (1996). Hans Zimmer.
OMG the Humvee’s owner calls Mason!!! Then Mason uses the car phone to track down his daughter Jade (Claire Forlani).
This speed chase was so unnecessary and Goodspeed in no way needed to steal (and destroy) that Ferrari. Shout out to the trolly driver he gave the 30 second performance of a lifetime.
Goodspeed follows Jade as she meets up with her father, Mason. Goodspeed covers for Mason and takes him back into custody. Nice! She doesn’t know what he did and he knocked up her mom when he escaped from another prison and went to a Led Zeppelin concert… ok… that’s wild move and I respect it.
Stanley gee wiz even though he is literally fuming. “What do you say we cut the chit chat a-hole!”
Mason pretends not to remember the schematics - he did this over 30 years ago and it took him 3 days. Commander Anderson overrides Womack, Mason is going and if he jeopardizes Anderson’s men, he’ll kill him.
Goodspeed realizes not only is this not a training exercise but he also is going into the field. He got a gun and a wetsuit. LOL. He pukes.
Paxton offers to have someone get Carla from the airport so Goodspeed can keep his head on the mission.
Anderson fills his team (Navy Seals), Goodspeed, and Mason in on their mission as they go to the rock.
Goodspeed is a bad swimmer.
I love that Goodspeed telling people stuff he’s heard his bosses say. It’s need to know and you don’t need to know. It’s classified. Hilarious!
Mason keeps to his word and lets Anderson and team into Alcatraz.
Now we return to Hummel and his men. It’s been a long stretch since we saw them - film wise. They realize they have visitors. Thus the shower room scene begins! Hummel’s men have the high ground, now is Star Wars taught me anything it’s high ground wins… FFS Paxton even says ‘It’s a fucking trap’!
Hummel and Anderson talk. Hummel gives him a chance to drop their weapons. Anderson is respectful, even says he agrees with him, but he swore to defend this country against all enemies foreign and domestic. ‘You know god damn well I can’t give that order’. Hummel even points out they are covered from an elevated position, no one HAS to die here. Anderson should have given the order.
Ed Harris v Michael Beihn was fucking amazing. Dialogue was dumb and perfect.
A battle ensues and Anderson and his men are all killed leaving just Goodspeed and Mason. One of the younger Navy Seals, who was the last to go up to the bathroom, ignoring Goodspeed’s pleas to remain, not only dies but his body drops back down the drain pipe. Goodspeed looks horrified.
Hummel is clearly upset as are the men in the mobile set up on Pair 39. They find Eagles 11 and 12 are alive. OMG this is the exact same plot as Armageddon.
Mason goes to leave the island. Paxton gets Goodspeed on the radio. He tells him to get Mason back. “He has a gun!” “What do you have?”
Hummel feels bad. Darrow suggests executing a hostage. WTF.
So Womack fills Paxton in on what Mason did… he’s the British operative who stole J Edgar Hoover’s microfilm files - all the big secrets.
Goodspeed pulls his gun on Mason, “FBI freeze sucker!” Mason takes his gun. “He’s got all the guns now Sir.” Poor Paxton.
Goodspeed tells Mason the truth about what they’re getting into. And empathizes, his pregnant girlfriend is in San Fran, just like his daughter.
Hummel’s guys realize there are still more men after them and try to bomb them smoke (fire) them out. They run through the watery sewer thing.
Mason returns Goodspeed’s gun and asks if he’s ready. Goodspeed says he’ll do his best.
Mason: you’re best. Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.
Goodspeed: Carla was the prom queen.
Another shoot out - rocket Marine v Mason. Poor Goodspeed is stressed! Mason is firing too close to the rocket. Mason fires at a large HVAC looking thing on the ceiling so it falls and crushes the bad Marine. Goodspeed comments, “yeah well ok that’s just about the most awful thing I’ve ever seen.” Goodspeed diffuses the bomb. Goodspeed need to relax and it would help if Mason would cut him some friggin slack. The body’s leg twitch is kinda funny, what do you want me to do kill him again?
Goodspeed explains what the VX gas does even Mason seems afraid of it. My god. Ok skin melts off… ew.
It's a cholinesterase inhibitor. Stops the brain from sending nerve messages down the spinal cord within thirty seconds. Any epidermal exposure or inhalation and you'll know. A twinge at the small of your back as the poison seizes your nervous system… …[]... Your muscles freeze, you can't breathe, you spasm so hard you break your own back and spit your guts out. But that's after your skin melts off.
Cage is definitely very fit for a lab rat. Lol.
Mason and Goodspeed are on a little like roller coaster thingy. Mason said I’m too old for this!
Shit Mason set Hendrix on fire. 33 years and dude can still home alone the Marines.
Goodspeed shoots a bad Marine and kills him to save Mason.
CUT TO: Pentagon Boardroom. They agree on plan B.
Mason turns himself in to Hummel to ensure that Goodspeed can still get to the rockets and the civilians won’t get killed.
While Goodspeed is disarming another VX gas missile warhead thingy he gets dropped in on by some bad Marines which seems very unsafe but yeah sure ok. A fight ensue. Again. They really could have dropped a battle scene or five and still had an over the top action movie.
Mason and Hummel talking. “This is not combat, it’s an act of lunacy. …[]... personally I think you’re a fucking idiot. …[]... patriotism is a virtue of the viscous - Oscar Wilde.”
Mason and Goodspeed are locked in cells. Mason gets out. “How in the name of Zues’ butthole did you get out of your cell?!?”
Two operational rockets left.
Mason tries to leave again.
Three minutes to go - Frye and Darrow are ready to fire the rockets.
The Pentagon guys (I think Womack) calls and asks for another hour.
The Thermite Plasma is loaded on the F18s.
Goodspeed returns to find the last rocket. Mason continues to leave but returns to save Goodspeed who is being held at gunpoint.
Hummel and the bad Marines arm one of the rockets. They fire. The rocket goes into the ocean. Darrow is pissed. Baxter asks him to step outside. Baxter wonders WTF. Hummel doesn’t want to kill people. Baxter wants a new deadline.
President is Stanley Anderson - who also plays the president in Armageddon. He approves the airstrike. But they didn’t really explain what the Thermite Plasma will do…?
Goodspeed and Mason are spying on the situation.
Frye and Darrow want money. They aren’t Marines. They’re mercenaries and mercenaries get paid.
Hummel: We bluffed. They called it. Mission’s over.
Hummel lost control of the men. It’s a tense moment! Darrow and Frye pull guns on Hummel who has a gun on Crisp. Baxter is either with them or against them… Baxter shoots Darrow! Hummel shoots Crisp. Frye and Darrow shoot Baxter and Hummel. Mason starts firing into the room at Frye and Darrow who dive out! Goodspeed pulls Hummel out of the room as bullets are still firing. Hummel tells Goodspeed the last rocket is in the light house.
Goodspeed gets to the lighthouse and gets the VX gas out of the rocket. Darrow arrives and Goodspeed launches the rocket at him, killing him. “It’s you, you’re the rocket man.”
Frye gets in as Goodspeed drops one of the VX gas orbs. While being shot at hi disarms the gas. Mason makes it up. And takes out a sharp shooter.
Five F18s are on their way to Alcatraz.
Frye and Goodspeed continue to fight. Goodspeed shoves the VX gas orb into his mouth and punches him. Then takes the antidote but the needle into his heart.
The F18s are still on their way. At the last moment Goodspeed remembers when the threat is neutralized to spark green flares.
They get the all clear a little too late one pilot already dropped the Thermite Plasma but luckily Goodspeed and Mason both make it.
Goodspeed lies and tells Paxton that Mason was vaporized. Paxton goes along with the lie to Womack.
Mason told him where the microfilm is.
The last secne is Stanley and Carla getting the microfilm. “Hey honey want to know who really killed JFK?”